
How Long Does Six Pack Bag Keep Food Cold

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When you accept aches and pains, y'all might reach for an ice pack or heating pad. But which is better? That depends on the type of injury or wellness problem you're dealing with. Whether you're stiff, sore or nursing an injury, read on to detect the best method to soothe your aches and pains.

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Cold therapy is amend for treating acute (sudden and curt-term) issues — similar brusque-term inflammation and small injuries similar sprains or strains. Applying cold to an injury reduces swelling and inflammation by decreasing the blood period and lowering the temperature of the injured tissue. Cold therapy as well quickly relieves pain and tenderness by numbing nerves in the injured area.

You tin can practice cold therapy at abode using one of these methods:

  • Water ice pack or cold compress
  • Bag of frozen vegetables
  • Frozen towel or washcloth
  • Water ice bath

Apply cold therapy to the injured area for no more than for 20 minutes at a time. To forbid irritation, e'er place a towel or cloth betwixt the ice pack and your peel.

When and How to Use Heat Therapy

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Oestrus therapy is better for treating chronic (long-term) injuries and health atmospheric condition that last longer than 6 weeks and don't involve swelling or astute inflammation. For case, heat therapy can help with chronic joint hurting from arthritis or tendonitis. Estrus increases blood flow to help repair damaged tissue and remove toxins from the injured expanse. Estrus therapy tin as well save hurting, relax muscles and aid loosen up potent or sore muscles and joints.

Yous can do heat therapy at home using one of these methods:

  • Heating pad
  • Heat pack or warm compress
  • Warm towel
  • Hot bath or soak

Never apply estrus in the first 48 hours after an injury — this can make swelling and bruising worse.

Combining Heat and Cold Therapies

Photograph Courtesy: gilaxia/iStock by Getty Images

Using the right therapy tin aid you heal faster. If you've got a brusque-term or minor injury similar a sprained ankle or a pulled muscle, cold is probably the way to become. And if yous've got chronic pain or soreness, heat therapy may exist a amend bet.

Many injuries end up needing a combination of the ii. For example, many acute injuries heal better when you lot use cold therapy for the initial swelling and bruising, and so change to heat. Just remember non to use heat within the first 48 hours after the injury.

And if you accept hurting or an injury that gets worse or doesn't feel better after 48 hours, information technology's of import to see your doctor.

Resources Links:

  • "Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses for Pain" via Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • "Here'due south How to Choose Betwixt Using Ice or Heat for Pain" via Cleveland Dispensary
  • "When to Use Ice or Heat" via Sports Medicine Oregon


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